Unmatched prices and quality
Find your perfect sex doll
FAQ's - Commonly asked questions
Tax and Toll included in the price
Pay safe and secure with Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or Paypal Credit, and feel secure that your have a 180 day purchase protection. With us, there are no surprises when it comes to extra payments and tax when you order. Most of our buyers receive the doll within 5-7 days, and is already declared and ready to ship.
Premium Sex Dolls of High Quality
See how the dolls are made
Our factory has a CE and FDA certification, so we can assure you that our dolls have the best qutlity for a reasonable price. Beware of other counterfeit suppliers who sell dolls or dolls of low quality. Yes, there are cheaper dolls out there that come from other manufacturers that use cheaper cheaper or even recycled materials.
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding our sex dolls our want to see more pictures before you purchase, please feel free to contact us on messenger (anonymously) or email.
Opening hours
Available every day and usually reply withing 12 hours.